Woodcrest (COVID)

                                                   Woodcrest of Country Manor

COVID-19 Information Center

  • Mask Guidelines

    Masks are not required for residents and visitors, but remain recommended during certain "high-risk" times. These recommendations are determined by county transmission rate and active neighborhood cases, per regulation:

    Red = High. Masks recommended.

    Yellow = Moderate. Masks optional.

    Green = Low. Masks not required.

    Signs will be posted at all main entrances and high-traffic areas to keep you informed on the status of the area through which you are traveling.

    We recommend you keep a mask on you at all times, as mask status can change at any time.

  • Visitation Guidelines

    • Indoor visitation is allowed for all Woodcrest communities.
    • Visitors are no longer required to complete a health screening upon entrance. (We will continue to provide screening supplies for those who prefer to screen and/or those questioning symptoms.)
    • There is no limit on number of visitors per day, frequency of visits, or length of visits.
    • Visitors will need to follow the guidelines for masking. 
    • Visitors are free to meet/gather with loved ones throughout campus and utilize amenities with no restrictions.
    • As always, we ask that if visitors are experiencing any respiratory or ill-like symptoms, that they postpone their visit until they are well. This is not just a COVID-19 precaution, but also to protect our vulnerable population against influenza and other respiratory illness as we enter the fall season. If you are visibly ill and seen on-campus, you may be politely asked to reschedule your visit. This is for the safety of everyone.

    These policies are subject to change at any time.

  • Exposure Guidelines

    New residents or residents that have been exposed to someone that tested positive for COVID-19 do not need to quarantine. 

    If your loved one is experiencing ill-like symptoms or have had known exposure to someone COVID-19 positive, they should still:

    • Self-monitor and get tested.  This is for their safety, as well as everyone at Woodcrest. 
    • Mask at all times while in the building, especially when around others.

    Country Manor will continue to perform contact tracing on any/all active cases within the building. Testing will be performed based on current guidelines and safety precautions. 

  • Off-Campus Recommendations

    Residents are free to leave campus. Per MDH, residents will no longer be required to quarantine after leaving campus for essential/non-essential reasons. 

    However, due to high transmission rates in our immediate communities, we do recommend limiting community exposure as much as possible.

    If residents are made aware of exposure during off-campus outing, they should notify their Housing Coordinator as soon as possible and seek the advice of their medical professional.

  • Contact Us

    If you have any questions, please reach out to your Housing Coordinator or call the main line at 320-271-1200. 

Updated (218) 513 - 2232

St. Joseph, MN

A map showing the location of woodcrest of country manor
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